Company History

Years Experience
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Who we are

A Family Firm With 160+ Years of History

The Foster name has a storied history in business, dating back to 1861 in Preston. Our original roots tie into the drapery industry and then into textile machinery. Expanding into pioneering, developing, patenting and manufacturing products that were sold across Europe and the rest of the World.

Our Story

Through the expansion of services and products provided to their clients, W & J Foster Limited were approached by another company, Zenith, to sell “time recording” equipment in the United Kingdom during the textile boom of the 1950s. From this, Foster Tachographs Limited was born.

Establishing the Brand

That was in September 1967, 55 years ago and counting. The company has since been leading the field for decades, beginning with bureau analysis and developing and evolving into one of the UK's most renowned experts on EC Drivers' Hours and Tachograph Regulations, Analysis in Criminal and Forensic matters, Vocational training, and the establishment of Compliance Systems, which are currently referred to as the "Gold Standard" in the industry.

Expanding Our Services

As the company has grown over recent years, under the 5th Generation of the Foster Family, Gordon Humphreys (Great, Great Grandson of the founder, James Foster) has expanded to offer a much wider range of audit and compliance systems, including those in Vehicle Maintenance, Health and Safety in transport and Operator Licensing.

Our Values

Foster Transport compliance has managed to keep up with the times, evolving and continuing to work to the highest values. We will always remember our history and the values upon which our founder, James Foster, began. In his own guide to business, he wrote his own morals, principles and steps upon which a business should be run.

“EARNEST - Be ernest (sic) in all I do.
Do nothing without doing my best to it
if it should be done, it should be done well, if not it should be left alone.
Be earnest so that I may succeed.”

Foster Transport Compliance

Mission Statement

Most mission statements include the phrases “desires, aims and wishes”. The success of the systems we implement and the high and improved levels of compliance subsequently achieved show that Foster Transport Compliance do not just want to desire, wish or aim. We have the evidence and testimonials to show that we just do it!

Therefore, we will work with you, providing the best expertise and support, implementing and/or improving, where necessary, your transport compliance systems to meet the DVSA & Traffic Commissioners’ expected levels of compliance.

Transport Compliance Professionals

Experience, Knowledge and Expertise

Our expertise covers public inquiries, Tachograph Systems, Maintenance Systems Compliance and Operator Licencing, ensuring effective and efficient handling of compliance issues.

Years in Business
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Years in the Industry
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Specialised Services
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Training Course Attendees
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